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Rack installation should pay attention to matters

Shelves installed in the field points to note:
1, the first shelf has not been transported to the installation site before, you need to install on-site planning and clean-up, try to put aside the area of the shelf.
2, after the shelves transported to the site, select the appropriate venues to store, when storing in accordance with the mounting member to the stacking order of the shelf.
3, the installation process should promptly clean packaging materials and disassembled waste, try to keep the site clean and tidy installation.
4, shelf installation process, pay attention to the formation of ground, if there is potholes, must maintain the stability of the shelf, to avoid dangerous situations arise shelf storage.
5, the installation is complete on the shelves according to previous site design to be placed, in the handling process, pay attention to Qingtai light, according to a shelf to avoid damage and paint chips.
6, after the shelf installation is complete, and then the installation site for detailed inspection of the danger that may arise so that early excluded. If necessary, clean once again on the shelves.